Well now that you have read the title, I am sure you might
be wondering what I mean. If you have taken any time to read my blogs you will
know that I am a proponent of radical grace in all aspects and areas of life. I
personally believe the law is utterly useless and full of crap. (Put down the
stones…I see you back there…). I am sure many of you who are reading this have
your guards put up and defenses strengthened. I can promise you, this blog
isn’t what you might think, though there are aspects that will probably
thoroughly offend some. It is not my intent to offend anyone or beat people
down. I see that happening in the church quite frequently as it is. I hope this
will provide relief, peace, and freedom.
So contrary how the title itself sounds, I actually do
enjoy the bible. I find it has a ton of great lessons, nuggets of wisdom, sage
advice, exhortation, and admonition. It definitely has a ton of uses which I am
not knocking the least. As I have been on the receiving end of many of its
blessings. I am not bringing that into question at all. So if I am not
disputing those things, then what am I getting at? Well I am glad you asked...
I once had the privilege of meeting an author whom I
thoroughly enjoyed. Their writing was captivating and inspiring. As they
masterfully strung words together, I would always find myself in another realm. If they talked about a morning
breeze and dew on the ground, I could almost tangibly feel it on my skin. I
could read this authors books over and over. Can you imagine my surprise when I
was able to meet this amazing writer in person? I fumbled over my words, but
expressed how I loved everything that I had read, how I felt so drawn to them
as a writer. It was as if I had known that person all of my life. However,
reality came crashing down as the author asked my name and who he was
autographing the book for. I soon realized that even though I was familiar with
the writing of that great author, I was not familiar to him or with him. See I
knew the authors writings, but I did not know the author. But even more of a
blow to my ego was the fact that the author did not even recognize me.
The same could be said of many Christians today? While the
vast majority of Christians are familiar with passages of scripture, having
favorite books, stories, passages, characters…I sometimes wonder if they are at
times missing the point of it all. I have heard it said that person A is like
David, or person B is like a Peter, or even person C like a Paul. At times I
have seen people even say things like, it is as if I really know what David was
like, and I can really identify with him. The only question I have is this;
have you actually met David, Peter, or Paul? I understand the pull that happens
when we get to know certain characters in what we read. Well written characters
have the ability to capture our hearts and bring us into their world in a way.
The problem is, we are not really in their world and we have not actually met
them. If we were given the ability to have them come to life, sadly they would
not know us, and we would still not really know them.
See there is a difference in knowing about someone and
actually knowing that person. This is where we get to the crux of the matter.
The Bible: Law 2.0 is about turning the bible into our ending rather than
launching point into knowing the person of Christ. As ridiculous as this might
sound, this is becoming more and more prevalent in “Bible Believing” communities.
Now this is not a knock on anyone. Please hear my heart. I am quite concerned
over the pattern of religious abuse that I have come to see as people are
endeavoring to encounter God. The bible makes it very plain that we are
supposed to encounter a LIVING Jesus, an ACTIVE Holy Spirit, and a WORKING
Father. Yet, what I have come to find especially where I live in Fresno, people
are afraid of encountering a Living Jesus, an Active Holy Spirit, and a Working
Father, face to face. Religion has been teaching us that our need for the book
is just as important, if not more so than are need to actually KNOW God.
If you understand the moral of the story that I shared
before, there is quite a difference between knowing ABOUT God through His book,
and actually KNOWING God. The bible was never meant to be our end goal, but
merely a sign that points to a great existing reality. However, someone we have
mistaken the sign as being the only means to get to know this eternal
transcendent God. It is the launching point
not the destination.
The more I continue on my journey, the more I realize that
life is full of signs that point directly to the person of Christ. I find it
fascinating that most of the time I have missed these signs because of my own
upbringing and indoctrination. The more I allow Holy Spirit to do what he does
in teaching me, the more I find Jesus to be every bit more real that the pages
of the book described him as being. What’s more, the conversations with Him
have been more tangible than the ink on those pages. Dare I say it, interacting
with the living Jesus is so much more awesome that reading the book about Him.
I am not trying to be sacrilegious in any way. It is just either the book was
telling the truth that He would never leave us nor forsake us, that the
anointing that we have received abides…or it was lying and in such case it
would be better to throw the book out anyways.
I have determined for myself that if the bible really is
true, then I should seek what it says I should seek. It says that I should seek
to know CHRIST…not the pages of the book. I mean the book says that Jesus made
an interesting statement. “"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will
enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven
will enter." Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord,
did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your
name perform many miracles?'" And then I will declare to them, 'I never
knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' Now if that is what the book says Jesus said, then I want
to take it seriously and actually get to know the guy himself. In that way I
see the book being a sign that points to the reality of Christ. The pages of
the book are not to become for us what the 10 commandments + the other 400+
laws were for the Jews of that day. The bible was never meant to become Law
I leave you with these questions? Is what you are doing
leading you to knowing Christ in a tangible intimate way? Or is it causing you
to know scripture without knowing the person. Are you okay with God encountering you in a way that is uncomfortable...or have you made up in your mind that the only way God can encounter you is the way you have predetermined? Please do not hear what I am not
saying. I am not saying throw away the bible. I am saying that if the bible
says we are supposed to know the Lord and experience Him…shouldn’t we actually
take that serious and do what it says? Isn’t that the highest priority of a
Christian...to know God?
But what do I know I am just a fellow traveler trying to
figure all of this out. J