Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reality: The Mystery of Living

I stand...
Face to face with reality.
Before me a paradox of sorts.
Thoughts and substance surrounding me, so real...yet so fake.
Senses bewildered by the seemingly tangible.
Confused by matter...ethereal.
Real or fake...maybe something in between.

My heart screams fake.
My mind screams real.
Torn and conflicted by this paradox.
What is it that I see...that I hear?
Much like an image that transforms at the slightest move,
Or a pitch that seems to change as the head is turned.
Which image...
Which sound...
Which one is real?

Maybe it is simply me...
But dare I say that it is not?
No...I am sure!
Reality shifts as I perceive.
Yet, what do I perceive?
What is it that I have become aware of?

Ah, yes, a familiar sensation
Neurons firing, triggering a response.
Eyes viewing tragedy, death, and suffering.
Guns pointed, bullets flying, bodies falling.
Fires ravaging, burning homes and memories.
Diseases running rampant, spreading relentlessly.
Destruction...a black night of destruction.

A tangible picture of reality?
So bleak.
Darkness, no light, no hope for tomorrow.
But all this changes with the intake and reception of new ideas.
A small fragment of new data altering the fabric of reality,
As if a new landscape appears from the void of nothingness.

Bright with rays of joy and peace.
Tales of epic heroism and bravery.
Pictures of humanity rising together.
Differences uniting rather than dividing.
Conversation beginning to spark understanding.
A people who value connection over being right.
Music sung to inspire the masses to greatness,
A future wrought with the brightness of Hope.

I stand...
Face to face with reality.
Restless with excitement but confused.
What is reality?
Is it subjective or objective.
Do I bend to it? Does it bend to me?
Do I shape it? Does it shape me?
Or is reality a multi-faceted diamond?
Reality shining forth depending on the angle from which viewed.

From the wall I see many possibilities.
Up on my perch looking out, I understand many things.
The dynamics of the world in a constant power struggle.
Which aspect of reality will people view?
Of which slice shall people consume and digest?
Will it be the poison of destruction?
Will it be the panacea of hope?
Will people choose darkness cloaked in hate?
Will people choose light adorned in love?
Or will they choose something all together different?

Ultimately those choices are seen in the way people respond.
Often most are unaware of what they have chosen until the end.
They communicate one thing while living another.
Such is the human experience.
Yet, a Legacy lives for generations....
Choices made apparent for future generations to behold.
The path of reality choose affects much.
A single entity can affect the synergy of the universal whole.
Otherwise know as the butterfly effect.

As a Sage, I am still learning.
Learning the pathways yet available to me.
It is not to late to make decisions to alter reality.
Knowing when and how to make these choices, is the real challenge.

As for what reality is...
One must go on a journey to figure that out.
It is neither this or that...
Yet, a by-product of what we have formed.
Whether intentional or not, we have shaped out own realities.
Even so, these smaller realities are pare of a bigger picture.
A picture much more grand and vast that we comprehend.
It is a piece of unimaginable beauty and size, that fits all possibilities within itself.
The artist more clever, fun, and mysterious than one can conceive.
Our parts never messing up or marring his picture of reality.

                                                                         - By Cordell Winrow

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Its been a while since I allowed myself to free form some poetry. This is what came out. I was in a coffee shop and thought, "Hmm, it might be good to free verse...". Well this is what came about as a result. Even while writing it felt like I was waiting at the edge of my own seat to see what would be written next. I was unaware of which words would come next or how it was going to sound. I knew though, as much as it was me writing really wasn't. It was that moment where you can see yourself doing something but you aren't even privy to the thoughts and words that are taking shape until they are actually written or spoken. This was very much fun to write...and watch being written.

I would definitely love some feed back if you have the time. Thanks all.

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