When people talk about being unique, I think it is often misunderstood. That, or its meaning is at best seen from a superficial point of view. We must take into consideration that unique is an adjective, that carries with it a depth of importance. It means being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. Particularly remarkable, special or unusual. Other words like it include: distinctive, distinct, individual, special, idiosyncratic, remarkable, special, singular, exceptional, noteworthy, notable, extraordinary.
I am not wanting to give English lesson, but from what I have seen, people use the word unique in such a hypocritical way. We cannot all be unique while trying to be the same. Now, let me explain what I mean. Why is it that we often try to encourage ourselves and others up by saying we are unique, but with every effort we tend to try to conform to the images that are set before us.
I am not wanting to give English lesson, but from what I have seen, people use the word unique in such a hypocritical way. We cannot all be unique while trying to be the same. Now, let me explain what I mean. Why is it that we often try to encourage ourselves and others up by saying we are unique, but with every effort we tend to try to conform to the images that are set before us.
Obviously, I am not wanting to make a vast generalization. I realize that this does not encapsulate the entire population of people on this planet. However, if you look at trends in society going from clothing styles, music styles, business models, educational systems, even successful people...you will begin to see how these mediums begin to vie for control to see people conform to their image. Again I am not wanting to make vast generalizations, just an observation of what I have been seeing over the past 27 years that I have been living, what I have noticed in my own life.
In my last blog I made mention of my personal frequency and how I vibrate through this thing called life. Hopefully this will bring some insight into who I am but ultimately freedom for those who want to take the adventure of a life time walking with Jesus through the unknown. The journey of understanding how we are wired is what I perceive to be a life long adventure.
In years past I have taken many personality assessments. Most notably has been the Myers-Briggs which I have typically scored INFP (The Dreamer) and ENFP (The Advocate) with relative consistency. How that happens I am unsure, but I do know that as a result I fluctuate between being introverted and extroverted. Even with a test like this it just goes to show just how "unique" one can be. Normally with these test one should typically get the same personality score 90% of the time. Yet for me it is usually about 50%. As for the reason why...I am still unsure. Either way If you were to look up the personality profile of both of these personality types you will begin to have a better picture of what I am like...even though that picture is incomplete.
As I have been living on the ranch, I happened upon a book called Frequency: Discovering Your Unique Connection To God by Eric Parks and Casey Bankord. At first I was simply going to by pass the book as it felt like many other self-assessment books I had read in the past. However, I was shocked to find myself hearing the voice of the Lord tell me to take some time to read this book. I am thankful that He gave me that suggestion.
The authors talk about Pathways in which we find it easiest to connect with the Lord. Learning styles, the way we connect the dots. Finally they get into different personality types. For the sake of brevity I will share what I have learned about myself as a result. Not an exhaustive list but something to consider.
Pathways I Love to Travel
Creation Pathway - People on the creation pathway are energized and replenished by being outdoors. They love camping, fishing, golfing, boating, or any activity that requires interaction with nature. If they are cooped up inside for too long, their soul starts to feel stale and uninspired. They see God in the spectacular, but also in the everyday outside world. People on this pathway need to spend large chunks of time outdoors. Whey they do, they will begin to sense a growing desire for God.
Contemplative Pathway - People on the contemplative pathway love large blocks of uninterrupted time alone. Reflection and observation come naturally to them. Images, metaphors, and simple thoughts help them as they pray. They have a large interior world of intra personal communication, and they don't require much external stimulation. Making time to listen to God in silence and solitude is vital to the health of their souls and necessary for them to experience a deepening sense of God's presence. They need regular, protected, intense, and undisturbed times alone.
Intellectual Pathway - People on the intellectual pathway are energized by intellectually stimulating conversations and debates. Ideas are as alive to them as people are to others. They love to study Scripture. They love thinking about theology. They read a lot. When in church, they usually don't enjoy the creative or music portion of the service nearly as much as the message. They solve problems by analysis and logic. They feel closest to God when learning about Him through great books, deep thoughts, complex conversations, and sound teaching.
Worship Pathway - People on the worship pathway have a natural gift for expression and celebration. something deep inside of them feels released when they are able to voice their praise and adoration for God. Some of there most formative moments occur during times of musical worship. They need to experience great worship on a regular basis. Likely, these types of people have favorite songs they listen too over and over as a way to connect with God.
Above you can see the places in which I crossed certain things off that do not pertain to me. Rather they do not ring true in me as to the way that I am wired. I am forced to stop this entry rather abruptly because of its length. I will get more into my learning styles and personality traits at different time, however, this I believe does serve the purpose intended.
As I have been hanging out with the Lord many of these things have been highlighted in many ways. The Myers-Briggs description and the pathways described have been useful tools in learning about myself as well as the way the loves to engage me. I definitely want to engage this in a more passionate way as well. I feel as if I have been quite informative as to how things relate to me, but I do want to spend some time expressing from a deep place what this looks like for me practically.
I believe we have to begin to simply be candid about these things so as to help others along on their own journeys. This is not to say I want anyone to emulate me in anyway, rather gather the tools that I have to share, and use them for yourself. How you engage with God, the dialog you share with Him, the way the way it comes about will all be tailored to who you are as a person. I have yet to meet anyone who has ever shared the exact same encounters as me verbatim. Many of us have had similar experiences, yet none were exactly the same.
With that, I bid you adieu.
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